News Mapsens® Golf | Turf moisture and waterlogging maps

The Mapsens® Golf team has developed an index that allows us to accurately map the waterlogged areas of your golf course. Thanks to the multispectral cameras of our drones, we can massively analyze the water content of the turf of the entire course in a short time. […]

By |2024-06-17T11:17:54+00:0017 June , 2024|Blog_en, News Mapsens® Golf|0 Comments

Golf course irrigation optimization

Water is a scarce and essential resource for the life of animals and plants. In the case of turf, the importance of water is due to its composition, since a large percentage of the plant is made up of water. And in the specific case of turf on golf courses, good condition is essential for maximum performance [...]

By |2024-06-17T11:16:33+00:0017 June , 2024|Blog_en, News Mapsens® Golf|Comments Off on Golf course irrigation optimization
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